CPC112592 106.DOC The Complete Answering Machine Saving Outgoing Messages and Recipient Lists This document is provided as "For your information" and as is. Neither The Complete PC nor any of it's employees assume any responsibility for consequences resulting from the use of the following information nor can the Complete PC technical support provide help with this document. The user of said information does so at his or her own risk. When an Outgoing Message and associated recipient list are created, two temporary files are added to your CAM directory. These files may be saved for later use. To save and re-use these files: 1. Create your Outgoing Message and associated Recipient List. Schedule it to start calling 10 minutes from the current time. 2. Press F10 to Save your entries. 3. Exit from CAM. 4. At the DOS prompt in the CAM subdirectory, type DIR *.MSG. 5. You will see that two files have been created. They will be: R00000nn.MSG and an associated M00000nn.MSG. These are your recipient list and outgoing message files respectively. 6. (Example: R0000011.MSG and M0000011.MSG) Copy these files to another directory, giving them names of significance to you. 7. (Example: CLIENTS.LST and HOLIDAY.MSG) 8. Your outgoing message will send and the "R" and "M" files will be deleted. When you are ready to re-use one or both of these files, create a new "dummy" message and recipient list. This could be a five second message and a recipient list with only one entry. Again, schedule it to send in ten minutes. 9. Repeat steps 2 through 5. 10 Copy the saved recipient list and/or outgoing message to . the filename assigned to the new one. Example: COPY CLIENTS.LST R0000023.MSG and COPY HOLIDAY.MSG M0000023.MSG CAM will now send the Outgoing Message using you "old" 11 message and/or Recipient List. .