CPC092492 116.DOC The Complete Answering Machine Message Taking Mode This document is provided as "For your information" and as is. Neither The Complete PC nor any of it's employees assume any responsibility for consequences resulting from the use of the following information nor can the Complete PC technical support provide help with this document. The user of said information does so at his or her own risk. If your receive an error when trying to use Call Transfer, that says "Function not available, please call again later", it could be that the Message Taking Mode screen is not set up properly for Call Transfer. In Message Taking Mode, you have two options: Take Message Y/N and Take Message as default Y/N If you want the caller to be transfered without any touchtones being depressed, or be able to leave a voice message if they press 9 then: Y and N If you want the caller to press 0 to transfer, or stay on the line for leaving a message, you wou|d select: Y and Y If just want the board to take messages and not transfer the call, you would select: Y and Y If you do not want any messages to be taken by the board (greetings only)* , you would select: N and Y If you do not want to take any messages but automatically transfer the call, you would put: N and N * If you choose this option, be aware that the CAM lady comes on at the end of your greeting and says "Please call again later", she does not just hang up on the caller.