CPC092292 The Complete FAX and FAX 9624 How to Save Cover Sheets This document is provided as "For your information" and as is. Neither The Complete PC nor any of it's employees assume any responsibility for consequences resulting from the use of the following information nor can the Complete PC technical support provide help with this document. The user of said information does so at his or her own risk. When a coversheet is created, two files are written to your hard disk: H#~0000n.CVR and H#~0000n.000 The n equals a number. The .CVR file is the text file which is used to further modify the cover sheet. The .000 file is the converted, fax format file, ready to send. To save your cover sheets you must: Create the cover sheet first Schedule your fax for a transmission for some time in the future (at least 5 minutes from the current time) Press F10 to save your changes and exit When the file has finished converting, ESC out of CFAX, to your DOS prompt in the CFAX directory Type DIR H#~*.* and hit return You will see a listing of coversheet files, including one or more with the .CVR extension and matching .000 extensions Copy the .000 file you want to save to the desired filename with an extension of .001 Example: COPY H#~00001.000 JOECOVER.001 In the future, if you would like to resend that cover sheet, just type in the new filename (JOECOVER) under "Filename" on the send faxes screen