CPC092292 The Complete FAX and FAX 9624 Faxing from Ventura Publisher This document is provided as "For your information" and as is. Neither The Complete PC nor any of it's employees assume any responsibility for consequences resulting from the use of the following information nor can the Complete PC technical support provide help with this document. The user of said information does so at his or her own risk. Procedures for faxing from Ventura Publisher Move the mouse cursor to the OPTIONS menu. Select SET PRINTER INFO. In the menu that appears, "click" the box marked FILENAME. Also be certain you have installed an Epson FX printer. When ready to print the document prepared in Ventura, go through the normal the procedures for printing. You will be prompted for a file just before printing begins. After printing, load CFAX and use the CONVERT TO FAX function with the "G" parameter. After conversion, this file can be sent with CFAX.